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,Brain Injury Awareness Project – Client Video

On Friday 14th May, the Brain Injury & Neurological Conditions Service had the pleasure of hosting a client session, showcasing the artwork submitted by our wonderfully talented clients, in recognition of Brain Injury Awareness Week.
The purpose of this project was to show the journey of someone who has experienced a Brain Injury once discharged from the hospital and the involvement of the professionals involved in their rehabilitation. We have interviewed several of these professionals to understand the work behind the scenes, the challenges, the gratifications, and the honour of being part of this journey.
But most of all, we wanted to show the greatness of the Brain Injury Survivors, their achievements, their talents and their desire of reaffirming themselves in our society by showing how much they can contribute regardless of their Brain Injury, thanks to the right resources and support in place.
One of our clients who attended the session said,
“A fascinating, very interesting presentation and truly moving insight, into the talents and stories of Sweet Tree Clients with brain injuries and also, the interesting reflections and thoughts of some of the Sweet Tree staff, all of which captivated the attention. A great credit to Sweet Tree, and thank you for the opportunity to join this memorable event, which I greatly appreciated. Thank you.”
It was a fantastic opportunity to get everyone together within the team for an exclusive viewing of the video and artwork. Now, we are delighted to be able to share this with the wider world and invite you to view the video below:
Below artwork (as well as the featured owl photo) by the client, PE
Below artwork by the client, JB
Below artwork by the client, SH
Below artwork by the client, BR
‘Doris the Florist’ by CD